Creed There is only one God, and He created the entire universe (We also believe in something called “the Trinity.” That’s a longer discussion than we want to have on a website – ask about it sometime when we get together). God spoke to the writers of the texts found in The Bible. This means it is the truth, and tells us who God is and how he planned the world – beginning to end. Every human being has broken God’s laws. We call this “sin.” Sin brings physical and spiritual death into the world and separates us from God. Jesus is God. He was born into the world so we could know Him. He lived a perfect life and never broke God’s laws. He was both fully human and fully divine. We call this the “incarnation.” Jesus was violently executed to take punishment of death in our place. Three days later he rose from the dead, proving He was God. Jesus ascended into heaven and sent the Holy Spirit to empower those who believe in Him. Anyone who believes Jesus is God and that he rose from the dead and turns away from evil (we call this “repentance”) can be saved from spiritual death and be welcomed into God’s family. The Spirit of God (or “Holy Spirit”) lives inside of everyone who accepts the message of Jesus, and provides a direct connection to God. It’s not as spooky as it sounds, but it is a spiritual thing that isn’t easily tested by the scientific method. Each of us must commit ourselves to reach others with the message of Jesus, to worship Him with other believers, to build up or edify the body of believers–the Church and to meet human need with ministries of love and compassion. Jesus healed many people of sickness and disease during His time on earth, and still does today. So we pray for the sick. Jesus promised to return for His Church, and we hopefully expect His return at any moment. A final judgment will take place. All who reject Jesus will be judged for their sins and consigned to eternal punishment. All who believe in Jesus will be judged righteous through His sacrifice and granted eternal life. Jesus is preparing a perfect “new heavens and a new earth”, where all people, of all time, who have accepted Him will live with Him forever. Affiliations Shoreline Community Church Assemblies of God