
Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on… (Hebrews 10:22-25 MSG)

We gather to worship, to listen, to hear, to be heard. To give as we receive. To drink living water, to eat bread that is life to our souls. To laugh, to share, to mourn, to pray.

We invite you to join in our gathering – in person or online. But you may want to know a few things first.

This will be about Jesus.

Not politics. Not morality. Not even religion. Jesus is the central figure of our community, the subject of our worship, the master we are trying to emulate. We are dominated by His worldview, captivated by His teachings, and bound by His commands. We are not building an earthly kingdom or religious corporation. We are not interested in creating or propagating a subculture.

We gather to see God, as revealed in His Son Jesus; to examine his actions, to take on His attitudes, to hold each other accountable to His commands.

This may not be what you expect.

It’s not for everyone. Our community is made up of people. It is a mosaic of our voices, colored by our stories. Most of us have had a hard time reconciling “church” as we know it with the everyday world we live in. We see God at work outside of church buildings as much as inside. We hear His call to serve in art, business, finance, healthcare, music, and everywhere else – to find a faith that is beyond religious systems and organizational adherence.

This community needs your voice.

That means more than merely attending or giving a donation. We’re a lot more interested in sharing our lives than getting together to watch a performance. We gather to “spur each other on” – to talk about Jesus, and to decide how we can follow him together. We will speak openly. We will challenge and hold each other accountable. We will be focused on loving the people we meet in the places we live and work and play.